As a mom, I feel like I find myself learning the hard way pretty much all the time. And while I have embraced that way of going about life, I also appreciate when another mom or person in my life shares what they have learned and helps me make a smarter decision from the get go. There are many examples of when another mom saved me from learning the hard way - Pampers Swaddlers (helllllooo diapers that actually contain those blow outs!) (also sorry for the poop reference, lol), cell phone contracts (yeah let's not mess around with making mistakes with handing tech over to our younger kids!), and finally finding the right baby gate that keeps our puppy in the kitchen but lets our poor cat escape (all while not driving us humans crazy since we need to get through those things constantly too.) The list is extremely long of tips and tricks that other mom's have shared that have saved my sanity since without their insight, I would have had no choice but to learn the hard way what works and what didn't work!
And while I am not able to share experience as a mom of a high school senior, (heaven help me, I have to survive middle school first to get to that stage. Fingers crossed we can make it!), I do want to share some things I have learned from walking alongside other mom's navigating senior year. Specifically, I would love to share some thoughts on scheduling either a summer session or a fall session for your senior. Now just as a quick preface, I am only focusing on Summer and Fall because about 98% of seniors end up having their photos taken between June and October, so that summer between Junior and Senior year and into the fall of senior year. In this area, most schools have a deadline for the yearbook photo to be turned in around the end of October or early November so there is a need to have that session completed before the end of October. Because of that, most families are looking at either Summer or Fall dates for their session so I am going to focus on those two options for this post.
The good news that I want to start with is that both summer and fall session dates are AWESOME for senior portraits that are full of personality, beautiful Colorado backdrops, and all the fun elements that come together in a session to highlight your senior. So no matter which one you end up going with, the results will be perfect!
But with that said, depending on your schedule as a family as well as the specific elements that are most important to you and the outcome of your session, you may find that one season stands out as a better fit than the other. With this information, you will be able to plan ahead and secure a spot on the calendar so you can take your time to plan out the details rather than panic, rush, or feel stressed about the process. So let's dive into each season and highlight what it can and cannot offer before we do a quick side by side comparison.
Summer Sessions
Summer time in Colorado is known for its sunshine, beautiful weather, green backdrops, blue skies, and those incredible sunsets. June in Colorado is known for having wildflowers in many locations, especially as you get closer to the foothills and up into the mountains and the rivers can be full of snowmelt this time of year. It can sometimes be rainier and ofter cooler than July but offers those lush green trees and grasses drenched in sunshine. July is when the temperatures can increase and those afternoon thunderstorms tend to gather. Many sessions have been questionable as storm clouds have gathered around 3pm but they almost always clear out and give the most amazing fresh evenings with stunning sunsets. If you are willing to put up with the warmer temps, the water is a great place to cool off and it can be fun to dip your toes in as part of the session. August can still boast those warm temperatures and in past years has been a time when forest fires have impacted air quality. There isn't much we can do when that happens but it's something to be aware of. All three summer months tend to share those same qualities: consistently warmer temperatures, green grasses and trees, full rivers and lakes for a great back drop, and that summer sunshine as well as long summer days to use to or advantage.
These warmer temperatures also mean that wearing those long pants and layered jackets might be a very sweaty idea. Most seniors that do a summer session are showcasing that glowing tan with summer fashions like sundresses, shorts, t-shirts, or other fun styles. Now its true that it's possible to throw on a letterman jacket for a couple of minutes for a few photos no matter how warm it is but it may be worth thinking about what style of clothes are most authentic to your senior as that might sway you all towards one season over another.
Outside of the weather, it's important for each family to consider the rhythm of those summer months. For some, it's a bit of a more relaxed pace without the constant school schedule, sports, after school events, and other things on the calendar. Summer can be the perfect time to get a session on the calendar. On the other hand, summer can be about traveling for that competitive team or sneaking in that family trip. Sometimes not having the pattern of school can make it hard to schedule much of anything. It might be good to think about what your specific situation is and take that into consideration.
Fall Sessions
I am a huge fan of summers here in Colorado but there isn't much better than fall in this area. August tends to fade into September with that continued sunshine and mild weather and as the days start to get just a little shorter, the green can start to fade to gold. September in the area is typically still pretty green and can often provide areas of wild sunflowers. The temperatures may stay on the warmer side or dip here and there providing an opportunity to escape the summer heat. October is when we start to see those fall colors start to peek out. It varies depending on the amount of rainfall but by mid October we tend to see those reds and golds in the leaves and start to really feel that chill in the air. This makes for amazing backdrops.
When the temperatures start to drop, that's when those longer pants, layered sweaters, jackets, and boots tend to come out. Fall fashion can be really fun to showcase in a session and many of the looks might be uncomfortable in the heat of the summer. Instead, fall allows for cooler temps to enjoy while out creating at beautiful locations.
The rhythm of fall can be pretty chaotic for many families and is something to consider. The back to school season is a tough one to get adjusted back to and if your senior is involved with a fall sport or activity, that can take up a lot of their time. It may require them to miss a practice for their session and in some situations, that just isn't possible. So it's important to plan ahead if that is the case. If it does come down to fall being the best time, plan ahead, book early, and communicate with coaches ahead of time and that usually makes it possible to work it all out.
Side by Side Comparison
To summarize all this information, here is a side by side comparison for summer and fall sessions when looking at weather, scenery options, fashion and schedule considerations.
WEATHER | Warmer (sometimes HOT) with some afternoon thunderstorms | Sometimes cooler, especially in October |
SCENERY | Green grass and trees, possible wild flowers, lakes and rivers are high | Green starts to turn to gold and then eventually fall colors of golds and red show |
FASHION | Summer looks often show off that tan and are more about those sundresses, shorts, t-shirts, and tanks. | Long pants, layered sweaters and jackets, boots, and other warmers looks are easier to wear. |
SCHEDULE | Summer can either be more laid back or full of planned trips. | Back to school time can be chaotic and fall sports and activities can be demanding on time. |
This may give you all some things to think about I do want to stress that scheduling your session ahead of time is critical. I am often booked up more than a month in advance and I always suggest booking 3-6 months ahead. So for those of you considering a summer date, it is wise to get on the calendar soon. And for those thinking of a fall date, those are also available and its never too early to get that on the calendar as well.
Another thing that may be helpful is to read through my process and how I go about things. My Ultimate Senior Portrait Experience is unlike any other in that I am all about honoring and celebrating your kiddo and creating an environment where they are empowered to be their authentic selves. The outcome is stunning images FULL of their personality. You can read more about this BY CLICKING HERE.
If you have any questions, want to chat through your situation, or just have someone walk through this all with you, I would love to connect. The best way to do that is to fill out the contact form on my site and then I can reach out. I will be able to send you some more information about booking but we can also get a plan to either jump on the phone or exchange emails and see if we can find a plan that feels good for you all and your senior's session.
I cannot wait to connect more soon and celebrate your senior!